Preserving The Pure Bred Canine
PayPal: Add single registration to cart

Standard Registration  - $30.00

Standard Registration with pedigree - $45.00

Litter Registration  - $15.00

PayPal: Add Standar Registration with Pedigree to cart PayPal: Add Litter Registration to cart

Once you have chosen one of our services you will get a confirmation email with appropriate forms please fill out every form legibly so there wont be any errors in registering your canine with American Kennel Coalition

We use USPS Priority Mail you will receive your registration certificates with in three business days  of processing, Shipping fee is $10  

If you received a puppy registration form with your new puppy simply fill it out, scan it, and send it to us via email, Once we receive payment we will process your application and send you your registration certificate in the mail.